Shinies List for Ulduar Patch 3.1-New Weapon Items for Ulduar 3.1 Patch
All Weapons Category-Patch 3.1 Ulduar Weapon Items
Daschal's Bite232
Golem-Shard Sticker232
Perilous Bite226
Plasma Foil 219
Stormtip 219
Dagger of Lunar Purity 200
Dagger of the Rising Moon 200
Scalpel of the Royal Apothecary 200
Spinal Destroyer 200
Titansteel Spellblade 200
-Fist Weapons
Golden Saronite Dragon 239
The Masticator 226
Kinetic Ripper 219
-One-Handed Axes
Axe of the Sen'jin Protector 200
Teldrassil Protector 200
-One-Handed Maces
Sorthalis, Hammer of the Watchers 239
Guiding Star 232
Stonerender 232
Shiver 226
Bloodcrush Cudgel 219
Legacy of Thunder 219
Pulse Baton 219
Grimhorn Crusher 200
Ironforge Smasher 200
-One-Handed Swords
Malice 232
Remorse 232
Runescribed Blade 232
Titanguard 232
Firesoul 219
Rune-Etched Nightblade 219
Stoneguard 219
Blade of the Keening Banshee 200
Gnomeregan Bonechopper 200
Lotrafen, Spear of the Damned 232
Hoperender 219
Staff of Endless Winter 239
Intensity 232
Rapture 232
The Lifebinder 232
Twisted Visage 232
Icecore Staff 226
Pillar of Fortitude 219
Spire of Withering Dreams 219
Unraveling Reach 219
Silvery Sylvan Stave 200
Staff of Feral Furies 200
Diamond-tipped Cane 6
-Two-Handed Axes
Worldcarver 232
Stormedge 219
-Two-Handed Maces
Ironsoul 219
-Two-Handed Swords
Voldrethar, Dark Blade of Oblivion 239
Rune Edge 232
Claymore of the Prophet 200
Greatsword of the Sin'dorei 200
Siren's Cry 232
Avalanche 219
Golemheart Longbow 219
Giant's Bane 232
Veranus' Bane 232
Mimiron's Repeater 219
Rifle of the Platinum Guard 219
Blunderbuss of Khaz Modan 200
Sen'jin Beakblade Longrifle 200
Rising Sun 232
Twirling Blades 226
Quartz Crystal Wand 232
Scepter of Creation 232
Scepter of Lost Souls 232
Nurturing Touch 219
-Fishing Poles
Bone Fishing Pole
Jeweled Fishing Pole
Nat's Lucky Fishing Pole
Alliance Lance
Argent Lance
Brave's Lance [PH]
Cavalry Lance [PH]
Darkspear Lance [PH]
Darnassian Lance [PH]
Elekk Lance [PH]
Forsaken Lance [PH]
Horde Lance
Jousting Lance [PH]
Mountaineer's Lance [PH]
Raider's Lance [PH]
Spring Flowers
Spring-Loaded Mechano-Lance [PH]
Thalassian Lance [PH]
Foam Sword
Sleepless Knights Activity
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Shiny,SHINY,SHINIES!!! New Items in Patch 3.1 - Weapons Category,World of Warcraft
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Shiny,SHINY,SHINIES!!! New Items in Patch 3.1 - Weapons Category,World of Warcraft

Patch 3.1,
Patch 3.1 Items,
Patch 3.1 Items/Weapons
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I'll take all of these k.Yummy shinies mmmm.
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