Whether you prefer blogger or wordpress to create a blog, chances are finding proper templates that fit your style and taste can be a time consuming process. There are many styles and colors to choose from when it comes to World of Warcraft templates, including 1,2,and 3 column formats. Please enjoy this small compiled list of World of Warcraft blog templates for both Blogger and WordPress.
Warcraft Blogger Templates
* PYZAM Word of Warcraft Blogger Template
* Warcraft Frozen Blogger Template
* WOW Blogger Template Third
* Warcraft-Blogger-Template
* Warcraft Dota All-Stars Blogger Template
* World-of-Warcraft Blog Blogger Template
* World-of-Warcraft Second Blogger Template
* World of Warcraft Blogger Premium Templates(pay-for)
Warcraft Wordpress Templates
* Multiple Wordpress Template Overviews
* World-of-Warcraft Wordpress Template
* WoW Planet Wordpress Template
* WorldofWarcraft Wordpress Template
* World of Warcraft Fantasy Wordpress Template
* World of Warcraft Theme(1)Wordpress Template
* World of Warcraft Theme(2) Wordpress Template
* World of Warcraft Theme(3) Wordpress Template
* Wowza World of Warcraft Wordpress Template
* New-World-of-Warcraft Wordpress Template
* World-of-Warcraft-Second Wordpress Template
* Amazing-World-of-Warcraft Wordpress Template
Sleepless Knights Activity
WoW Feed for Joenutz@Bronzebeard
WarCraft Blog Template Designs by Blogger and WordPress
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WarCraft Blog Template Designs by Blogger and WordPress

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Glory of the Icecrown Raider 25

It has been a very productive month for SK. This past week we earned Bronzebeard's first sets of Icebound Frostbrood Vanquishers for completing the Glory of the Icecrown Raider 25 achievement. With the heroic wings clear now from the harder half of this achievement, we were able to focus on the meta achievements for the drake. Surprisingly not many of this chain were difficult, the most difficult being All You Can Eat for the Sindragosa encounter,and the heroic wings themselves. The previous month yielded the completion of the ten man version of this achieve as well,earning the slightly darker Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher, both unleashing a swift 310% mount speed. Crusader Aura+Aura Mastery+Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher = One happy paladin.Great job to everyone in Sleepless Knights who worked together on this milestone.

Fall of The Lich King

These past few weeks have been very exciting. Our push on progression has paid off as we celebrate our realm's first 25 man Lich King kill. Last week I participated in the first Lich King kill registered for the server on ten man,earning a nice new title,a beautiful new heal mace from the Lick King's loot tables, and some closure to this expansion's lore. The race to unlock heroics began the moment the final wings were released,and now with 25 and 10 man heroic progression in progress,this month should be full of content,challenge,and fun.
As of now we are extending our raid lock for heroics that were started last week. As expected,the new ICC heroics are not much more challenging than the regular,given enough time and practice we will surely pull through. As of now we have cleared the entire first wing on heroic and are working our way steadily through the next. It's tough to juggle the new 25 man heroics while still having enough steam to concentrate fully in the ten man version both in one night. Burnout incoming...I can see it now...
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