Patch 3.1 Official Patch Notes Part 2
* The fight event for the "Grim(oire) Business" quest at Vim'gol's Circle in the Blade's Edge Mountains now only requires one character to stand within a fire circle in order to summon Vim'gol the Vile. However, it still takes five characters, one in each of the fire circles, in order to interrupt Vim'gol the Vile's Unholy Growth cast.
* Horde characters may now obtain the quest "CLUCK!" from Chickens. While Farmer Saldean won't be selling Special Chicken Feed to the Horde, perhaps "Westfall" William Saldean in Brill might...
* New dungeon maps have been added for all Wrath of the Lich King dungeons.
Eye of Eternity
* Malygos will now properly delay before breathing after a Vortex on Heroic difficulty.
* The Chains of Kel'Thuzad will no longer reset the raid's threat.
* The Portal of Shadows created by Shade of Naxxramas will only persist for a maximum of one minute.
* Players with pets who attempt to use the Obedience Crystals in Naxxramas will have their pets dismissed automatically so they may possess an Understudy.
Vault of Archavon
* Archavon, Emalon, and their allies will now banish themselves 10 minutes prior to the beginning of a Lake Wintergrasp battle. A warning will be given 15 minutes prior to the start of Wintergrasp. They will not banish themselves if in combat.
User Interface
* New Advanced features for quest tracking are now available. Players will need to activate this option within the Interface panel.
* A new Color Blind option is available under the Interface panel.
* Spell Effect Level setting has been split into Particle Density and Projected Textures. Previously, Spell Effect Level controlled both of these features.
* Added new Video Mode Ultra (should only be used on the highest-end systems).
* Shadow Quality has a new higher level of detail. The slider for adjusting Shadow Quality remains the same, though there is an additional step at the high end of the spectrum.
* A new feature has been added allowing players to allocate talent points before confirming they'd like to spend them. This feature must be turned on in the Interface Options.
* A new Equipment Manager feature has been added. This feature can be turned on from the Interface Options, and will enable managing up to ten separate sets of equipped items.
* New high-resolution player textures for Northrend armor sets have been added. Players can enable this feature by setting Player Textures to High in the Effects Panel of the Video Options.
* Players can now return items purchased with an alternate currency back to the original vendor within 2 hours of the purchase time for the original cost of the item. Stackable items (such as Frozen Orbs and gems) and charged items that can be purchased with an alternate currency are not eligible.
* Confirmation boxes have been added to purchases over 150 gold.
* The calendar now supports a guild-wide sign-up sheet, allowing the event organizer to invite his or her entire guild.
* Class roles (i.e. damage, tanking, healing) have been added to the Looking For Group feature. Class roles will be displayed when sorting through the Looking For More section.
* Quest and Achievement tracking are now combined in a new Objectives Tracking window. Advanced features can be activated from the Objectives Options panel.
* On-Use items will display in the Objectives Tracking when tracking a quest that uses them. No more searching through your bags for that on-use quest item!
* Health and Fuel/Ammo bars have been added to the vehicle interface whenever operating a vehicle.
* The mini-map has been optimized for better performance. Displays for vehicles, class colors, and off-map pings have been added as well.
* Players first entering any dungeon that will result in a lock-out timer will be warned if they are going to be saved to the instance. This warning will include an option to port to the nearest graveyard before being saved.
* New elite mob frames have been added for V-Key frames.
* For additional notes on Lua and XML changes please visit the UI & Macros forum.
* Arena Grand Master Trinket: Dodge rating has been replaced with stamina.
* Badges and Emblems looted off of any dungeon bosses by a member of the party or raid will automatically be given to all eligible party or raid members. Party or raid members must still be inside the instance to receive Badges or Emblems.
* Enhancement Shaman PvP Set Bonus: The cooldown reduction of Stormstrike has been increased to 2 seconds, up from 1 second.
* Existing crafted resilience armor sets now offer additional stamina and resilience ratings through set bonuses.
* Gift of Arthas: Now considered a curse instead of a disease.
* Hearthstone: Cooldown has been reduced to 30 minutes down from 60 minutes.
* Darkmoon Cards of the North will now take three seconds per card to create.
* Divine Hymn will now trigger Illustration of the Dragon Soul.
* Frozen Scepter of Necromancy now sounds like other maces.
* Heavy Junkboxes will no longer have deprecated poison materials.
* Libram of the Sacred Shield: Increases block value.
* Magic Dust now has a 10-second PvP duration.
* Old Naxxramas Shoulder Enchants will now soulbind items.
* Outrider's Lammellar Legguards and Sentinel's Mail Leggings have had their costs reduced to the correct value.
* Pack of Endless Pockets can now be mailed.
* Paladin Healer PvP Set Bonus: The bonus for Holy Shock healing has been reduced to 10%.
* Patroller's Pack now sounds like a bag.
* PvP Trinkets will now break Shackle Undead.
* Several beverages missing from the 'Beverages Consumed' statistic have been added.
* Several foods missing from the Food Eaten statistic have been added.
* Sigil of Awareness: Now provides bonus damage to Death Strike as well.
* Sigil of the Frozen Conscience: The bonus to Icy Touch from this relic has been reduced to a value appropriate to the item's level.
* Sprite Darter Eggs: May now (very rarely) drop from Sprite Darters in Feralas. Note that only Horde characters can attack and kill Sprite Darters.
* Three new mounts are available from Horde mount vendors, equalizing the number of purchasable normal and epic mounts: the Black Wolf, the White Kodo, and the Black Skeletal Horse (in Orgrimmar, Bloodhoof Village, and Brill respectively).
* Thunder Capacitor again requires four charges.
* Tiny Emerald Whelplings: May now (very rarely) drop from Adolescent Whelps in the Swamp of Sorrows.
* White Tickbird Hatchling is now classified as a Pet.
* A new clam, the Giant Darkwater Clam, can be obtained by fishing in Wintergrasp. This mighty clam has a greatly increased chance to drop pearls, and yields up to five times the regular amount of clam meat.
* Loot from clams now stacks correctly!
* Changed the icon for Succulent Clam Meat so it doesn't look quite as disgusting. Now 100% more succulent!
Death Knight
* Glyph of Blood Boil: This has been replaced with Glyph of Heart Strike, which adds a snare effect to Heart Strike.
* Glyph of Dancing Rune Weapon: Increases the duration of Dancing Rune Weapon by 10 seconds.
* Glyph of Dark Death: Increases the damage done by Death Coil by 15%.
* Glyph of Death Strike: This glyph now increases Death Strike damage by 1% per 2 runic power, but has a limit of 25% increase.
* Glyph of Disease: Your Pestilence ability now refreshes disease durations on your primary target back to their maximum duration.
* Glyph of Howling Blast: Your Howling Blast ability now infects your targets with Frost Fever.
* Glyph of Hungering Cold: Reduces the cost of Hungering Cold by 10 runic power.
* Glyph of Icebound Fortitude: Icebound Fortitude now grants at least 30% damage reduction, regardless of defense skill.
* Glyph of Plague Strike: Bonus lowered to 20%.
* Glyph of Strangulate: This glyph has been changed to reduce the cooldown by 20 seconds.
* Glyph of Unbreakable Armor: Increases the amount of damage absorbed by Unbreakable Armor by 20%.
* Glyph of Unholy Blight: Increases the duration of Unholy Blight by 10 seconds.
* Glyph of Barkskin: Reduces the chance you'll be critically hit by melee attacks by 25% while Barkskin is active.
* Glyph of Berserk: Increases the duration of Berserk by 5 seconds.
* Glyph of Monsoon: Reduces the cooldown of your Typhoon spell by 3 seconds.
* Glyph of Nourish: Your Nourish heals an additional 6% for each of your heal-over-time effects present on the target.
* Glyph of Rebirth: Target now returns to life with full health.
* Glyph of Savage Roar: Your Savage Roar ability grants an additional 3% bonus damage done.
* Glyph of Shred: Now increases remaining duration on Rip by 2 seconds each time it is used, up to a maximum of 6 seconds.
* Glyph of Starfall: Changed to reduce the cooldown by 30 seconds.
* Glyph of Survival Instincts: Increases the percentage of your maximum health received from Survival Instincts to 40%.
* Glyph of Wild Growth: Wild Growth now affects up to 6 targets.
* Glyph of Aimed Shot: Now reduces cooldown by 2 seconds.
* Glyph of Chimera Shot: Reduces the cooldown of Chimera Shot by 1 second.
* Glyph of Explosive Shot: Increases the critical strike chance of Explosive Shot by 4%.
* Glyph of Explosive Trap: The periodic damage from your Explosive Trap can now be critical strikes.
* Glyph of Kill Shot: Reduces the cooldown of Kill Shot by 6 seconds.
* Glyph of the Monkey: This glyph has been converted to Glyph of Mending, which increases the healing done by Mend Pet by 40%.
* Glyph of Raptor Strike: For 3 seconds after using Raptor Strike, you take 20% less damage.
* Glyph of Scatter Shot: Increases the range of Scatter Shot by 3 yards.
* Glyph of Snake Trap: Now reduces damage taken by snakes from area damage by 90%.
* Glyph of Wyvern Sting: Now reduces the cooldown by 6 seconds, down from 15 seconds. No longer reduces the damage done by Wyvern Sting's effect.
* Glyph of Arcane Barrage: Reduces the mana cost of Arcane Barrage by 20%.
* Glyph of Deep Freeze: Increases the range of Deep Freeze by 10 yards.
* Glyph of Ice Armor: Now increases resistance and armor by 50%.
* Glyph of Ice Barrier: Increases the amount of damage absorbed by your Ice Barrier by 30%.
* Glyph of Living Bomb: The periodic damage from your Living Bomb can now be critical strikes.
* Glyph of Mirror Image: This glyph has been redesigned and now increases the number of copies of the mage to 4.
* Glyph of Beacon of Light: Increases the duration of Beacon of Light by 30 seconds.
* Glyph of Divine Plea: While Divine Plea is active, you take 3% reduced damage from all sources.
* Glyph of Divine Storm: Your Divine Storm now heals for an additional 15% of the damage it causes.
* Glyph of Divinity: Now Lay on Hands grants 100% bonus mana, and that amount of mana is granted to the paladin and their target.
* Glyph of Exorcism: Changed to 20% bonus damage.
* Glyph of Hammer of the Righteous: Your Hammer of the Righteous hits 1 additional target.
* Glyph of Holy Light: Can no longer critically strike and has had its range updated.
* Glyph of Holy Shock: Reduces the cooldown of Holy Shock by 1 second.
* Glyph of Lay on Hands: Now reduces the cooldown of Lay on Hands by 5 minutes.
* Glyph of Salvation: When you cast Hand of Salvation on yourself, it also reduces damage taken by 20%.
* Glyph of Seal of Blood: When your Seal of Blood, Seal of the Martyr, Judgement of Blood, or Judgement of the Martyr deals damage to you, you gain 11% of the damage done as mana.
* Glyph of Seal of Righteousness: Increases damage done by this seal by 10%.
* Glyph of Shield of Righteousness: Reduces the mana cost of Shield of Righteousness by 80%.
* Glyph of Dispersion: Reduces the cooldown on Dispersion by 45 seconds.
* Glyph of Fade: Now reduces cooldown by 9 seconds.
* Glyph of Fear Ward: Now reduces duration and cooldown by 1 minute.
* Glyph of Guardian Spirit: If your Guardian Spirit lasts its entire duration without being triggered, your Guardian Spirit cooldown is reset to 60 seconds.
* Glyph of Hymn of Hope: Now increases the duration of Hymn of Hope.
* Glyph of Inner Fire: Increases bonus armor by 50%.
* Glyph of Mind Control: Increases duration by 30 seconds.
* Glyph of Mind Sear: Increases the radius of effect on Mind Sear by 5 yards.
* Glyph of Pain Suppression: Allows Pain Suppression to be cast while stunned.
* Glyph of Penance: Reduces the cooldown of Penance by 2 seconds.
* Glyph of Psychic Scream: Increases duration by 2 seconds, but increases cooldown by 8 seconds.
* Glyph of Adrenaline Rush: Now increases duration by 5 seconds.
* Glyph of Backstab: Now increases remaining duration on Rupture by 2 seconds each time it is used, up to a maximum of 6 seconds.
* Glyph of Cloak of Shadows: While Cloak of Shadows is active, you take 40% less physical damage.
* Glyph of Crippling Poison: Poison chance bonus increased to 20%.
* Glyph of Deadly Throw: Increases the movement reduction by 10%.
* Glyph of Fan of Knives: Increases the damage done by Fan of Knives by 20%.
* Glyph of Hunger for Blood: Increases the bonus damage from Hunger for Blood by 3%.
* Glyph of Killing Spree: Reduces the cooldown on Killing Spree by 45 seconds.
* Glyph of Mutilate: Reduces the cost of Mutilate by 5 energy.
* Glyph of Pick Lock: Now reduces cast time by 100%.
* Glyph of Sap: Increases duration by 20 seconds.
* Glyph of Shadow Dance: Increases the duration of Shadow Dance by 4 seconds.
* Glyph of Sprint: No longer reduces the duration.
* Glyph of Tricks of the Trade: Your Tricks of the Trade grants an additional 10% bonus damage to your target.
* Glyph of Earth Shield: Increases the amount healed by your Earth Shield by 20%.
* Glyph of Feral Spirit: Your spirit wolves gain an additional 30% of your attack power.
* Glyph of Hex: Increases the damage your Hex target can take before the Hex effect is removed by 20%.
* Glyph of Riptide: Increases the duration of Riptide by 6 seconds.
* Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem: Your Stoneclaw Totem also places a damage absorb shield on you, equal to 4 times the strength of the shield it places on your totems.
* Glyph of Thunder: Reduces the cooldown on Thunderstorm by 7 seconds.
* Glyph of Totem of Wrath: When you cast Totem of Wrath, you gain 30% of the totem's bonus spell power for 5 minutes.
* Glyph of Banish: This glyph has been replaced with Glyph of Incinerate, which increases the damage of Incinerate by 5%.
* Glyph of Chaos Bolt: Reduces the cooldown on Chaos Bolt by 2 seconds.
* Glyph of Demonic Circle: Reduces the cooldown on Demonic Circle by 4 seconds.
* Glyph of Haunt: The bonus damage granted by your Haunt spell is increased by an additional 3%.
* Glyph of Immolate: The bonus damage provided by this glyph to Immolate's periodic damage has been reduced to 10%, down from 20%. The 10% reduction to Immolate's initial damage has been removed.
* Glyph of Imp: Increases your Imp's Firebolt damage by 20%.
* Glyph of Life Tap: When you use Life Tap, you gain 20% of your spirit as spell power for 20 seconds.
* Glyph of Metamorphosis: Increases the duration of your Metamorphosis by 6 seconds.
* Glyph of Shadowflame: Your Shadowflame also applies a 70% movement speed slow on its victims.
* Glyph of Siphon Life: Redesigned to increase the healing received from the Siphon Life talent.
* Glyph of Soul Link: Increases the percentage of damage shared via your Soul Link by an additional 5%.
* Glyph of Succubus: Redesigned to remove all damage-over-time effects from the target of Seduction.
* Glyph of Barbaric Insults: Increases threat on Mocking Blow by 100%.
* Glyph of Bladestorm: Reduces the cooldown on Bladestorm by 15 seconds.
* Glyph of Enraged Regeneration: Your Enraged Regeneration ability heals for an additional 10% of your health over its duration.
* Glyph of Last Stand: Now reduces the cooldown of Last Stand by 60 seconds. The penalty on maximum health gained has been removed.
* Glyph of Overpower: Now provides 100% chance on all parries.
* Glyph of Shield Wall: Reduces the cooldown on Shield Wall by 3 min, but Shield Wall now only reduces damage taken by 40%.
* Glyph of Shockwave: Reduces the cooldown on Shockwave by 3 seconds.
* Glyph of Spell Reflection: Reduces the cooldown on Spell Reflection by 1 second.
* Glyph of Sweeping Strikes: Now makes Sweeping Strikes cost 0 rage.
* Glyph of Vigilance: Your Vigilance ability transfers an additional 5% of your target's threat to you.
* Support for Logitech G-15 and G-19 keyboards with LCD displays has been added.
* A number of performance and smoothness enhancements have been implemented.
* The new high-res player textures are supported on dual processor systems running OS X 10.5.
* A crashing bug involving chat channel commands has been fixed.
* A problem involving window focus and foreground/background status has been fixed.
* Movie recording feature has had some user interface improvements.
Bug Fixes
* Leaving a group while in an instance will now port you to the nearest graveyard rather than your Hearthstone location.
* Yaaarrrr! now has a detailed tooltip.
Bug Fixes: Classes
Death Knight
* Acclimation: This talent will no longer sometimes grant nature resistance while fighting Sapphiron.
* Anti-magic Zone: This ability will no longer cause strange absorb messages in the combat log and floating combat text.
* Dancing Rune Weapon: Fixed a bug making it trigger an unusual number of effects from the weapon equipped by the death knight. In addition, it will now only echo death knight spells whose primary purpose is dealing damage. This pet will no longer break stealth on nearby targets and attack them. Also corrected a bug making the effect last 8 seconds longer than intended.
* Death Coil: This spell will no longer sometimes cause the death knight to animate a swing twice.
* Death Grip: This spell will no longer automatically cast on the nearest enemy when no valid target is selected.
* Death Runes: Fixed a bug where it was possible when using two abilities with the same rune cost to not get correctly granted a second Death Rune when appropriate.
* Ebon Plaguebringer: Multiple death knights can now use this debuff against a target without overwriting each other.
* Howling Blast: Each rank now properly shares a cooldown with the other ranks.
* Necrosis: The damage from this ability will no longer benefit multiple times from damage increasing effects.
* Pestilence: This ability will now spread disease centered on a position between the death knight and its target, rather than the target's center position (for very large creatures, this used to cause no disease spread at all).
* Raise Ally: The buff from this ability can no longer be right clicked to cancel. In order to end the effect, the player controlling the Risen Ghoul must right click on the unit portrait and dismiss the pet. In addition, using this ability on a player whose level is too low will now give a 'Target is too low level' error message instead of 'You have no target.'
* Raise Dead: This pet now despawns instantly when it dies. In addition, this ability can no longer be used while riding any type of vehicle. The Risen Ghoul is also now properly immune to Charm, Fear, Sleep, and Horror.
* Rune of Cinderglacier: Charges of this will now only be used if the target actually took damage from the attack.
* Scent of Blood: This talent can no longer be triggered by environmental damage.
* Scourge Strike: The tooltip incorrectly stated it did 60% weapon damage increased by 9% from diseases, when it was actually 45% increased 11% from diseases. The tooltip has been corrected, but the damage done is unchanged.
* Sigil of Awareness: The tooltip on this incorrectly indicated it added much more damage than it actually did. The tooltip has been corrected to show the actual bonus.
* Summon Gargoyle: The Gargoyle will no longer re-attack rogues after they Vanish, or night elves who use Shadowmeld. Monsters will stop trying to chase a Gargoyle after it flies away. The debuff on the target indicating he or she is being pursued by a Gargoyle will no longer display the duration, and will be removed when the buff is removed from the death knight. Max duration in the tooltip changed to 40 seconds.
* Bash: This ability will now still interrupt casting even if the victim is immune to the stun due to diminishing returns.
* Feral Attack Power: Heirloom weapons now correctly grant the amount of attack power in Cat, Bear, and Dire Bear Forms that is stated on the weapon tooltip. In addition, the attack power bonus will now work properly for druids below level 60.
* Lifebloom: Corrected some bugs with the new blooming functionality and dispels.
* Predatory Strikes: This talent now properly affects the attack power gained from weapon enchants.
* Swipe: Now properly affected by area-of-effect damage caps.
* Thorns: This spell will now properly use the druid's spell power to determine its scaling instead of the target's spell power.
* Wild Growth: Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Wild Growth ranks from overwriting each other.
* Cower: This pet ability will now display its cooldown correctly.
* Disengage: This ability can no longer be used while riding any type of vehicle.
* Froststorm Breath: This pet ability will now display its cooldown correctly.
* Heart of the Phoenix: Can no longer be set to autocast (which did not work).
* Hunter traps will no longer be able to be set off by totems.
* Rake: This pet ability will now always refresh when used by the pet.
* Savage Rend (raptor special ability): Fixed a tooltip error to correctly note this ability boosts damage rather than attack power.
* Spirit Strike: This pet ability now has its damage increased by Prowl as intended.
* Spore Cloud: This pet ability will now autocast properly at all ranks.
* Steady Shot: Now does correct damage with heirloom weapons.
* Arcane Potency: Fixed a bug where sometimes the benefit was consumed before altering the critical strike chance of the mage. In addition, will no longer benefit the critical strike chance of Molten Armor's damage.
* Deep Freeze: Floating combat text will now display when this ability is able to be used.
* Focus Magic: When spell-stolen, this buff will no longer grant the originally casting mage a buff when critical strikes occur.
* Frostbite: Fixed a bug preventing this from overwriting the effect from the Frostbite talent.
* Ignite: The debuff from this talent now benefits properly from Arcane Subtlety. In addition, effects which modify damage done will no longer be applied a second time to the damage from this talent.
* Master of Elements: Now refunds the correct amount of mana when used with Arcane Missiles.
* Mirror Image: Mirror Images will now appear with maximum health and mana. In addition, this ability can no longer be used while riding any type of vehicle.
* Slow Fall: Can no longer be cast on NPCs.
* Torment the Weak: Now properly increases damage when used against victims of the snare from Hunter Frost Traps.
* Beacon of Light: This spell no longer duplicates the heal on yourself if your target is currently immune to being healed due to being on a vehicle. It will simply not duplicate the heal. In addition, Divine Plea will only penalize the original heal instead of applying the penalty a second time on the duplicated heal.
* Blessing of Sanctuary: This spell can now overwrite a Greater Blessing of Sanctuary that has less than 10 minutes duration remaining.
* Blessing of Wisdom: It is no longer possible to have the icon for this spell and Greater Blessing of Wisdom active at the same time (which didn't give any benefit, but was confusing).
* Combat Expertise: This talent will now properly increase spell critical strike chance.
* Hammer of Justice: This ability will now still interrupt casting even if the victim is immune to the stun due to diminishing returns.
* Hammer of the Righteous: Now does correct damage with heirloom weapons.
* Holy Shield: Damage from this ability now increases properly from attack power.
* Judgement of Command: Fixed incorrect combat log tooltips.
* Righteous Vengeance: Effects which modify damage done will no longer be applied a second time to the damage from this talent.
* Sacred Shield: Now scales properly from spell power granted by Sheath of Light.
* Seal of Vengeance/Corruption: The bonus damage applied a target which already has the maximum stack of debuffs is now properly affected by Judgements of the Pure. In addition, fixed some missing tooltips in the combat log.
* Sheath of Light: Critical heals from Lay on Hands will now trigger this talent.
* Inner Fire: Charges of this buff will now be consumed properly if the priest is attacked while using emotes.
* Mind Control: This spell can no longer be cast while it is already active.
* Misery: The tooltip on this talent was badly worded and implied a bonus much larger than it actually gave. The tooltip has been rewritten to be more clear.
* Prayer of Mending: This spell will no longer fail from 'A more powerful spell is already active' errors. It will now always cast, including overwriting a weaker Prayer of Mending. In addition, trinkets which are triggered from casting a healing spell will now be triggered properly by Prayer of Mending.
* Master of Subtlety: The amount of time remaining on the damage bonus for this talent is now displayed.
* Cleanse Spirit is now properly in the Nature spell school.
* Tremor Totem: Now correctly pulses every 3 seconds, up from 1 seconds.
* Dark Pact: Can no longer be cast when the warlock has an enslaved demon pet that does not have mana.
* Demonic Circle: Summon: This spell can no longer be cast while on a transport or other moving object.
* Fel Synergy: This talent will no longer heal vehicles the warlock is riding.
* Ritual of Summoning: This spell can no longer be cast while on a transport or other moving object.
* Unstable Affliction: Feedback damage from dispelling this debuff will no longer be modified by effects on the victim which modify the damage the victim does.
* Concussion Blow: Now properly triggers a 1.5 second global cooldown.
* Damage Shield: Fixed a bug which caused this ability to benefit from Recklessness.
* Enrage: This ability can no longer be triggered by environmental damage.
* Enraged Regeneration: While this is active, the warrior is blocked from using abilities that trigger being enraged (which would do nothing and waste the cooldowns).
* Improved Revenge: This talent will now increase the damage done by Revenge by the proper amount.
* Rend: Now does correct damage with heirloom weapons. In addition, low ranks of this ability will no longer incorrectly gain a damage bonus against targets above 75% health.
* Slam: Slam will no longer sometimes show 2 miss messages.
Bug Fixes: Items
* Dartol's Rod of Transformation has had its tooltip corrected.
* Glyph of Mocking Blow: Correctly increases damage of the ability by 25%.
* Glyph of Rejuvenation: Effects which modify healing done will no longer be applied a second time to the healing granted by this glyph.
* Glyph of Shocking: Tooltip has been corrected.
* Heirloom Items: The bonus spell power granted by these items has been redesigned to provide substantially more benefit for players lower than level 58.
* Hook of the Master Angler: Using this item to shape-change into a fish now cancels Shadowform.
* Justicar (T4) Retribution Set: The bonus to seals now works properly on Seal of Blood and Seal of the Martyr.
* Mace of Unending Life is correctly a two-handed weapon.
* Many Northrend maces now make correct noises when sheathed and unsheathed.
* Many items with 110 attack power now correctly grant 110 ranged attack power.
* Oracle Talisman of Ablution's spell data has been clarified.
* Personal rating requirements for off-hand Deadly Gladiator items should now display correctly.
* Several Hateful and Deadly plate helms have had their stats correctly reduced.
* Several Naxxramas items with block values were not providing the correct stat amounts and have been fixed.
* Sigil of Arthritic Binding: The tooltip was incorrect for this item and overstated the bonus to Scourge Strike. This has been fixed.
* Thunder Capacitor's cooldown functions.
* Wall of Terror, Fleshless Girdle, and Inexorable Sabatons have had their stamina values adjusted to the proper levels."
Bug Fixes: Racials
* Blood Fury: The tooltip on the attack power version of this ability will now tell how much attack power it grants to the orc.
* Shadowmeld: Using this ability will no longer cause friendly players to deselect the night elf.
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World of Warcraft Patch 3.1 Official Patch Notes Part II
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World of Warcraft Patch 3.1 Official Patch Notes Part II

Patch 3.1,
Patch 3.1 Part 2
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