Shinies List for Patch 3.1-New Plate Armor Items for Ulduar 3.1 Patch
Plate Armor
Head (Plate Armor)
Warhelm of the Champion 239
Ancient Iron Heaume 226
Conqueror's Aegis Faceguard 226
Conqueror's Aegis Headpiece 226
Conqueror's Aegis Helm 226
Conqueror's Darkruned Faceguard 226
Conqueror's Darkruned Helmet 226
Conqueror's Siegebreaker Greathelm 226
Conqueror's Siegebreaker Helmet 226
Helm of the Faceless 226
Iron Riveted War Helm 226
Dragonsteel Faceplate 219
Ironbark Faceguard 219
Valorous Aegis Faceguard 219
Valorous Aegis Headpiece 219
Valorous Aegis Helm 219
Valorous Darkruned Faceguard 219
Valorous Darkruned Helmet 219
Valorous Siegebreaker Greathelm 219
Valorous Siegebreaker Helmet 219
Shoulder (Plate Armor)
Conqueror's Aegis Shoulderguards 226
Conqueror's Aegis Shoulderplates 226
Conqueror's Aegis Spaulders 226
Conqueror's Darkruned Pauldrons 226
Conqueror's Darkruned Shoulderplates 226
Conqueror's Siegebreaker Pauldrons 226
Conqueror's Siegebreaker Shoulderplates 226
Razorscale Shoulderguards 226
Shoulderplates of the Deconstructor 226
Shoulderplates of the Eternal 226
Pauldrons of Tempered Will 219
Shoulderguards of the Solemn Watch 219
Valorous Aegis Shoulderguards 219
Valorous Aegis Shoulderplates 219
Valorous Aegis Spaulders 219
Valorous Darkruned Pauldrons 219
Valorous Darkruned Shoulderplates 219
Valorous Siegebreaker Pauldrons 219
Valorous Siegebreaker Shoulderplates 219
Chest (Plate Armor)
Breastplate of the Devoted 239
Conqueror's Aegis Battleplate 226
Conqueror's Aegis Breastplate 226
Conqueror's Aegis Tunic 226
Conqueror's Darkruned Battleplate 226
Conqueror's Darkruned Chestguard 226
Conqueror's Siegebreaker Battleplate 226
Conqueror's Siegebreaker Breastplate 226
Lifeforge Breastplate 226
Steelbreaker's Embrace 226
Unbreakable Chestguard 226
Chestplate of Titanic Fury 219
Chestplate of Vicious Potency 219
Valorous Aegis Battleplate 219
Valorous Aegis Breastplate 219
Valorous Aegis Tunic 219
Valorous Darkruned Battleplate 219
Valorous Darkruned Chestguard 219
Valorous Siegebreaker Battleplate 219
Valorous Siegebreaker Breastplate 219
Titan-forged Breastplate of Triumph 213
Titan-forged Chestguard of Salvation 213
Waist (Plate Armor)
Belt of Colossal Rage 239
Belt of Clinging Hope 226
Belt of the Singing Blade 226
Belt of the Titans 226
Dragonslayer's Brace 226
Girdle of Embers 226
Girdle of Unyielding Trust 226
Indestructible Plate Girdle 226
Plate Girdle of Righteousness 226
Shieldwarder Girdle 226
Stormtempered Girdle 219
Titan-forged Girdle of Salvation 213
Titan-forged Girdle of Triumph 213
Clinch of Savage Fury 200
Girdle of Valorous Defeat 200
Legs (Plate Armor)
Legplates of the Endless Void 239
Plated Leggings of Ruination 239
Furious Gladiator's Plate Legguards 232
Furious Gladiator's Scaled Legguards 232
Clockwork Legplates 226
Conqueror's Aegis Greaves 226
Conqueror's Aegis Legguards 226
Conqueror's Aegis Legplates 226
Conqueror's Darkruned Legguards 226
Conqueror's Darkruned Legplates 226
Conqueror's Siegebreaker Legguards 226
Conqueror's Siegebreaker Legplates 226
Frostplate Greaves 226
Gilded Steel Legplates 226
Legguards of the Peaceful Covenant 226
Legplates of the Violet Champion 226
Saronite Plated Legguards 226
Wyrmguard Legplates 226
Archaedas' Lost Legplates 219
Legplates of Flourishing Resolve 219
Valorous Aegis Greaves 219
Valorous Aegis Legguards 219
Valorous Aegis Legplates 219
Valorous Darkruned Legguards 219
Valorous Darkruned Legplates 219
Valorous Siegebreaker Legguards 219
Valorous Siegebreaker Legplates 219
Feet (Plate Armor)
Battlelord's Plate Boots 226
Boots of the Underdweller 226
Charred Saronite Greaves 226
Greaves of the Stonewarder 226
Spiked Deathdealers 226
Treads of Destiny 226
Greaves of Iron Intensity 219
Sabatons of the Iron Watcher 219
Blood-Caked Stompers 200
Stanchions of Unseatable Furor 200
Wrist (Plate Armor)
Bitter Cold Armguards 226
Decimator's Armguards 226
Horologist's Wristguards 226
Mimiron's Inferno Couplings 226
Unfaltering Armguards 226
Armbands of the Construct 219
Flamewatch Armguards 219
Hands (Plate Armor)
Handguards of Revitalization 239
Bladebreaker Gauntlets 226
Conqueror's Aegis Gauntlets 226
Conqueror's Aegis Gloves 226
Conqueror's Aegis Handguards 226
Conqueror's Darkruned Gauntlets 226
Conqueror's Darkruned Handguards 226
Conqueror's Siegebreaker Gauntlets 226
Conqueror's Siegebreaker Handguards 226
Gauntlets of Ruthless Reprisal 226
Gauntlets of Serene Blessing 226
Gauntlets of the Royal Watch 226
Gloves of the Pythonic Guardian 226
Handguards of the Enclave 226
Adamant Handguards 219
Valorous Aegis Gauntlets 219
Valorous Aegis Gloves 219
Valorous Aegis Handguards 219
Valorous Darkruned Gauntlets 219
Valorous Darkruned Handguards 219
Valorous Siegebreaker Gauntlets 219
Valorous Siegebreaker Handguards 219
Gauntlets of Mending Touch 200
Gauntlets of Shattered Pride 200
Sleepless Knights Activity
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Shiny,SHINY,SHINIES!!! New Items in Patch 3.1 - Plate Armor Category,World of Warcraft
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Shiny,SHINY,SHINIES!!! New Items in Patch 3.1 - Plate Armor Category,World of Warcraft

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Holy crap Warhelm of the Champion-dps helmet with 192 stamina?? That's just insane.Nice post btw great blog.
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